100+Top Play Resources (Now 300+)
[ This list currently has over 300 entries. I am trying to…

Nanci Hellmich from USA Today on Retro Play
“If you're looking for ways to get your children to move…

Carbohydrates and sports performance: rinse, repeat, win?
Can simply swishing a carbohydrate-containing solution around…

What can pro cyclists teach us about pain?
"Next time you're in a car going 50 mph, strip down to your underwear…

Tired of the treadmill? Get out and play instead
A big thank you to Megan Brooks for her Reuters Health article…

Spot reduction: Your top 6 questions answered
Do you have a garage full of ThighMasters, Ab Flyers, Ab Circles,…

Can you hear me now? Gyms, iPods & hearing loss
The music blared as the spinning instructor yelled at us…

ki•net•ic adjective
Of, relating to, or produced…