
The Future of Activity Monitoring: Innovating Beyond Steps, Sleep, and Speed
What will the future of activity monitoring bring? What…

20 Predictions for the Future of Wearables
"Wearables" has become a trendy buzzword. But how much of…

TEDx MidAtlantic 2010: What if?
This year's stellar TEDx MidAtlantic was about our choices…

New Year’s Resolutions: The Magnetic Poetry of TEDx MidAtlantic
A stunning word cloud that represents the essence of the messages of the inaugural TEDx MidAtlantic event. In the true spirit of TED, the verbs cut across numerous disciplines and represent a wonderful sort of magnetic poetry mosaic from which New Year’s resolutions can be crafted.

Health 2.0 STAT: Plugged in and Unplugged
Health 2.0 STAT was just that - STAT. A Health 2.0 Meetup…

Can you hear me now? Gyms, iPods & hearing loss
The music blared as the spinning instructor yelled at us…