18 Digital Health Predictions: Transforming Wearable Tech and Health Tracking
The world of digital health is rapidly transforming, especially in the wearable tech and health tracking space. Here’s some of the big shifts that will happen in the future (animals, energy harvesting, arts, rare diseases and more).

Dress for Success: Key Features Smart Clothes Need to Succeed
You've probably heard of dressing smart, smart dressing, and…

The Future of Activity Monitoring: Innovating Beyond Steps, Sleep, and Speed
What will the future of activity monitoring bring? What…

Leonardo Da Vinci Wearable Tech Flip Book
Leonardo da Vinci is credited with creating the first pedometer,…

What if Wearable Tech was like Press-on Nails?
"Press-on nails?" you might be thinking. "This is really…

Quantified Self + Participatory Art = Quantified Art + Participatory Self
TateShots: Roman Ondak, Measuring the Universe
The description:

Self-tracking: Checking under the hood
Our bodies are exquisite self-tracking machines. We're artfully…

TEDx MidAtlantic 2010: What if?
This year's stellar TEDx MidAtlantic was about our choices…