
20 Predictions for the Future of Wearables
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"Wearables" has become a trendy buzzword. But how much of…

8 Tips to Communicate Evidence-Based Fitness & Health Information
Highlights of talk for fitness bloggers that gives 8 tips to ensure content is accurate and reveals 8 hot topics you should keep an eye on.

The Care Innovations Summit Challenges: Crowdsourcing Innovation
in•no•va•tion [in-uh-vey-shuh n]
1. something…

The 2011 mHealth Summit Summed Up in 5 Quotes, Words and Companies, Plus 1 Jacket
This year's mHealth Summit was very, very large (more than…

Self-Tracking Meets Ready-To-Wear: Make Room in Your Closet for Smart Clothes
Your LBD (little black dress) is about to be joined in your…

What I did during my summer vacation: HealthCamp
As a kid, during summer my friends and I would head off to…