9 Key Social Media Tips from a NASA Tweetup
"Pretty awesome. RT @ageekmom: @NASATweetup How's it feel…

Self-tracking, Sensors, and mHealth: Trends and Opportunities
mHealth offers the perfect platform to merge self-tracking and biosensors. Toss in social networking and you have the trifecta of 'track, share and compare' at people's fingertips.

7 Health 2.0 Trends for 2011
As we move from Health 2.0 to Health Squared, here are 7 trends I see on the horizon that encompass genetics, Groupon, statistics, mHealth, and Project Runway.

Self-tracking: Checking under the hood
Our bodies are exquisite self-tracking machines. We're artfully…

TEDx MidAtlantic 2010: What if?
This year's stellar TEDx MidAtlantic was about our choices…

1960′s lab life with the Nobel Prize-winning decipherer of the genetic code
Note: Dr. Marshall Warren Nirenberg received the Nobel Prize…

Please touch: Lessons from Leonardo da Vinci
"Oh my God!!!! We're allowed to touch!"
"Look at the…

TEDxPotomac: A River Runs Through It
The inaugural TEDxPotomac drew its name and inspiration from the Potomac River. Ideas surged and flowed. The word cloud highlights actions passionately conveyed by speakers. A number of key concepts resonated.