
Why it’s Easy to Fool Your Activity Tracker and What You Can Do About It
What quirky activities have you done that your fitness tracker…

Dress for Success: Key Features Smart Clothes Need to Succeed
You've probably heard of dressing smart, smart dressing, and…

Leonardo Da Vinci Wearable Tech Flip Book
Leonardo da Vinci is credited with creating the first pedometer,…

The Future of Activity Tracking
Right, left, right, left: 1, 2, 3, 4. Lots of activity tracking…

Is your activity tracking gadget accurate? Do you care?
Activity tracking devices are just like real estate:…

What can pro cyclists teach us about pain?
"Next time you're in a car going 50 mph, strip down to your underwear…

ki•net•ic adjective
Of, relating to, or produced…