
The Future of Activity Monitoring: Innovating Beyond Steps, Sleep, and Speed
What will the future of activity monitoring bring? What…

7 Key Takeaways from the Living By Numbers Wired Health Conference
Remember that classic Far Side cartoon where a student sitting…

Track, Share and Compare: The Hot Trend of Self-Tracking
Self-tracking is rapidly moving mainstream. As if to underscore…

Self-Tracking Data: HealthCampDC Perspective
How do you know what's normal? How do you win? How do you…

9 Key Social Media Tips from a NASA Tweetup
"Pretty awesome. RT @ageekmom: @NASATweetup How's it feel…

Self-tracking, Sensors, and mHealth: Trends and Opportunities
mHealth offers the perfect platform to merge self-tracking and biosensors. Toss in social networking and you have the trifecta of 'track, share and compare' at people's fingertips.

Utilizing Mobile Technology and New Media to Encourage Mobile Lifestyles
Using Mobile Technology And New Media To Encourage Mobile…

New Year’s Resolutions: The Magnetic Poetry of TEDx MidAtlantic
A stunning word cloud that represents the essence of the messages of the inaugural TEDx MidAtlantic event. In the true spirit of TED, the verbs cut across numerous disciplines and represent a wonderful sort of magnetic poetry mosaic from which New Year’s resolutions can be crafted.