7 Health 2.0 Trends for 2011
As we move from Health 2.0 to Health Squared, here are 7 trends I see on the horizon that encompass genetics, Groupon, statistics, mHealth, and Project Runway.
TEDx MidAtlantic 2010: What if?
This year's stellar TEDx MidAtlantic was about our choices…
TEDxPotomac: A River Runs Through It
The inaugural TEDxPotomac drew its name and inspiration from the Potomac River. Ideas surged and flowed. The word cloud highlights actions passionately conveyed by speakers. A number of key concepts resonated.
New Year’s Resolutions: The Magnetic Poetry of TEDx MidAtlantic
A stunning word cloud that represents the essence of the messages of the inaugural TEDx MidAtlantic event. In the true spirit of TED, the verbs cut across numerous disciplines and represent a wonderful sort of magnetic poetry mosaic from which New Year’s resolutions can be crafted.